16 March 2021
SparkSafe has used the idea behind this quote in developing the first government-approved electrical...
10 February 2021
Quality improvement and control measures are likely to be undermined when the workforce model become...
23 November 2020
SparkSafe is offering a 100% guaranteed rebate to electrical installation apprentices who wish to ob...
16 November 2020
In the UK construction industry, time and effort are inextricably linked to trust and risk. The scop...
3 November 2020
The race to the bottom in the UK electrical contracting industry is painfully obvious to most establ...
23 October 2020
One of Northern Ireland’s leading Construction company’s, Hillsborough based Graham Civil Engineerin...
20 October 2020
SparkSafe is pleased to confirm that Newry, Mourne and Down District Council have started to specify...
16 October 2020
Do you possess a Qualified Electricians (QE) Licence? Can you produce recent evidence from a UKAS ac...
12 October 2020
Your organisation may exist to make a profit or provide a public service. Safely maintaining propert...
28 September 2020
What is SparkSafe LtP? SparkSafe LtP is the first universal online electrical worker gatekeeping sy...
23 September 2020
Northern Ireland public sector construction projects include a requirement for electrical installati...
3 September 2020
Maintaining quality and standards in a crisis is a measure of government, business, and personal int...