Do you possess a Qualified Electricians (QE) Licence? Can you produce recent evidence from a UKAS accredited certification body, confirming you have been subject to a technical onsite assessment (full scope – all electrical work). If so, as part of our mission to improve quality and raise standards in the industry, we are inviting you to apply for a FREE Assessed Qualified Electrician’s (AQE) Licence upgrade.
In May 2020, SparkSafe LtP developed the higher standard AQE Licence type in response to an industry development initiative by the National Association of Professional Inspectors and Testers (NAPIT). The AQE licence reflects the increased occupational status of qualified electricians. The purpose of the AQE licence is to indicate to the Client, that the electrical worker has met the requirements of the SparkSafe Qualified Electrician (QE) Licence and has been technically assessed onsite by a UKAS accredited certification body to the IET’s Electrotechnical Assessment Specification standard.
The present QE Licence is designed to independently establish the occupational identity of workers who have undertaken accredited NVQ Level 3 electrical installation apprenticeship training or progressed through the industry approved Mature Candidate Assessment or Electrical Worker Assessment programme.
We believe that CPD efforts by qualified electricians should be recognised and rewarded. Accredited achievement as an electrician is worth letting others know about. Employability, progression, retention, client appointment and other personal development and occupational benefits often follow from making others aware that you have been assessed to higher industry standards.
“We think it’s important to promote the accredited achievements of individual qualified electricians. To demonstrate this, we have ensured no further cost barriers for those who have successfully done so.” Charlotte Bamber, Systems & Compliance Director.
To find out if you are eligible for an AQE upgrade please email